Since we have not received the promised support from the County of Friesland to this day, we...
On December 4th we received the news that the Airfield in Mariensiel will no longer be available...
Many thanks to all who have secured their starting places in advance. We can announce this year...
Due to flight operations ceasing on Thursday 8pm, the setup of the race event will begin in...
Up until late last night we worked on the last entries. At this point we would like...
Yesterday we introduced more of our volunteers. Today we would like to introduce further volunteers: Tanja Kuncke,...
Today we come to the conclusion of the introduction of our crew members. Unfortunately due to lack...
Today the first crew members arrived for further preparations of the race event. This Weekend we will...
The Jade-Race will have the following attractions: Dual reinforcement from France this year! Mr. Donald Pottier will...
For many years was talked about redevelopment of the runway again and again. This year it’s finally...