12. February 2025

conditions of participation

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Road-legal cars (without 06/07 license plates) or foreign road-legal cars with compulsory insurance may participate. Dragsters require a valid car ID card or, in the case of international dragsters, a car ID card from their ASN (exception: if not required by the ASN). All drivers/vehicle owners are responsible for the condition of all vehicles.

Clearance for the start on the quarter mile is given by:

  • The age of majority, 18 years of age (for the Junior Nationals & Junior Drag Bike Series from the age of 8),
  • holds a driving license in conjunction with a nationally/internationally valid KNAF/DMSB racing license or another ASN
  • DMSB day licenses can only be purchased via dmsbnet.de before the entry deadline.
  • KNAF day licenses can only be purchased via the KNAF before the entry deadline.
  • Sending a copy of the license (e.g. screenshot)
  • sending the completed entry form by post in advance
  • Successful completion of the technical scrutineering of the vehicle for the respective class according to its regulations (the regulations can be found further down on this page).
  • Participation in the driver briefing
  • ATTENTION: Diesel and electric vehicles are not permitted at the Jade-Race!

In principle, the following applies:

  • Helmet compulsory, regardless of the time ridden
  • Present vehicle registration document (or car documents) and driving license with KNAF/DMSB racing license
  • Seat belts must comply with the manufacturer’s specifications and be in good working order and designed according to class
  • Battery mounting as standard and with battery terminal cover must be present
  • If the battery is not fitted as standard in the rear, the battery must be installed in a leak-proof container and a circuit breaker must be fitted at the rear
  • All brakes must be fully functional and all lines intact
  • Wheel fastenings must be complete and undamaged, wheel covers must be removed (for the duration of the race)
  • Clothing made of natural fibers, long trousers and long-sleeved shirts, sturdy shoes – also applies to start helpers! Attention, from 12 seconds please note the special requirements of the classes
  • all four tires must be in good roadworthy condition
  • Nitrous oxide: pressurized gas cylinder with proper attachment. Must be tested and valid for pressures up to 124 bar (DOT-1800). Pressure release outside the driver’s cab.

In addition to the basic rules just mentioned, the KNAF/DMSB regulations for the respective class apply for insurance reasons.

Here is the class overview with the KNAF/DMSB regulations:

Class according to KNAF/DMSBTime 1/4 milerequired KNAF/DMSB licenseAcceptanceRegulations
Public Race – Time Class 4DSL15.00 seconds and slowermin. nat. level CRoad approval (without 06/07) or car passportLink
Public Race – Time Class 3CSL14.00 – 14.99 seconds min. nat. level CRoad approval (without 06/07) or car passportLink
Public Race – Time Class 2BSL13.00 – 13.99 seconds min. nat. level CRoad approval (without 06/07) or car passportLink
Public Race – Time Class 1ASL12.00 – 12.99 seconds min. nat. level CRoad approval (without 06/07) or car passportLink
Sport Compactn. a.9.00 seconds and slower 8.50 to 8.99 seconds 7.50 to 8.50 secondsmin. nat. level C int. level 4 int. level 3Car passportLink
E.T.-Handicap – Sportsman ETSPET12.00 – 13.99 secondsmin. nat. level CRoad approval (without 06/07) or car passportLink
E.T.-Handicap – Pro ETPET9.00 – 11.99 secondsmin. nat. level C for classification in the DMSB Cup min. nat. level BRoad approval (without 06/07) or car passportLink
E.T.-Handicap – Super Pro ETSPRO8.50 to 8.99 seconds 7.50 to 8.49 seconds 6.00 – 7.49 secondsmin. nat. level BCar passportLink
E.T.-Handicap – ProComp (Doorslammer)PC6.00 seconds and slowermin. nat. level ACar passportLink
Super Gasn. a.9.90 seconds and slowermin. nat. level C for classification in the DMSB Cup min. nat. level BCar passportLink
Super Compn. a.8.90 seconds and slowermin. nat. level C for classification in the DMSB Cup min. nat. level BCar passportLink
Junior DragsterJDJ/S 12.90 seconds@1/8 mile J/M 8.90 seconds@1/8 mile J/MA 7.50 seconds@1/8 milemin. nat. level CIndividual approval / car passLink
DemoCarDCmin. nat. level CIndividual approval / road approvaln.a.
ProStockBikePSB n.a.min. nat. level CIndividual approval / road approval / car passLink
E.T.-BikeETB8.70 seconds and slower min. nat. level C for classification in the DMSB Cup min. nat. level BIndividual approval / road approval / car passLink
Super Comp BikeSCB8.50 seconds and slowermin. nat. level CIndividual approval / road approval / car passLink
Junior Drag BikeJDBJRB/S 12.90 seconds@1/8 mile JRB/M 8.90 seconds@1/8 mile JRB/P 7.50 seconds@1/8 milemin. nat. level CIndividual approval / car passLink
DemoBikeDBmin. nat. level CIndividual approval / road approvaln.a.

The Jade Race Team (or its authorized assistants) reserves the right to disqualify or expel participants at any time in the event of subsequent unauthorized modifications to the vehicle, as well as for drivers who behave unsportingly or disregard regulations. The complete KNAF/DMSB regulations and the international sports law apply.

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